Monday, August 11, 2008

Air: Handstand Pushup

Here is my first attempt at catching air while performing a simple wall-based handstand pushup.
Not much air, that's for sure, but I got about an inch or two off the ground.


gilesdm said...

wow, mate you are making some serious progress! I can't believe how much you have come on in the last few weeks!

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

i am trying and i am going to start some suspension training this coming week.

i am going to make a device similar to the TRX in which I will be able to try some of those ring exercises from beastskills.

keep posting vid and so will I.
how are things otherwise?
how's efc treating you?
recruited any more body weight/beast skills training partners? I am so happy i have gotten into it. thanks!

Charlotte said...

Wow!! Very nice! I am so jealous. You should see my handstand pushups. You can barely tell my elbows are bending...