Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Recently, in order to develop a bit more power (& my climbing skills) I have started doing dyno pull ups at the pull up/chin up bar. These can be done in a number of ways and develop power through short bursts of energetic pulls. The basis of the dyno part of the move is that your hand leaves the bar at the top of the pull. Your hand should leave the bar due to the power with which you pull, but even simply lifting quickly and then falling on your hand at the top of the pull will develop the negative strength necessary for the actual dyno to develop. Below are some variations. Be careful: dynos and one arm/one hand pull ups are killer on your forearms and tendons - don't injure yourself.

Variation 1: Place both hands on the bar in an overhand position. Pull up as hard as you can and when you reach the top release one of your hand into the air. Try to stretch as high with your arm as you can. Stretching your arm up will force your other hand to get stronger by holding the position longer. On the downward move, catch the bar, but don't just fall to the bottom of the movement. Catch the bar and slowly lower yourself as if you were doing a proper pull up negative move. On next rep switch hands. Do as many as you can. When you cannot do any more, switch to two hand pull ups to failure.

Variation 2: Same as above with underhand grip.

Variation 3: "The Slow Swap Pull". Start with both hands on the bar in overhand grip. At the top of the movement swap one of the hands to an under hand grip (chin up grip). Lower. Then on next pull swap the other hand. Lower. Pull and swap that first hand back to over hand (pull up) position. Lower. Than finally pull and swap that other hand.

Variation 4: "The Real Swap". Same as above, but swap both hands at the same time! See: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6S5y4TnqfBI

Variation 5: "The Clap Pull Up". A video is worth a thousand words: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xIaTB7WGBrA

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