Sunday, August 17, 2008

A little healthy competition...

About a week or two ago a friend of mine posted a link about catching air during a handstand pushup. He is a best, but he attributed some of his success to "seeing (or in this case reading about)" another person reaching success at getting air. I thought I would comment on this because I think it is really quite accurate and quite interesting. 

OK, if anyone reads this blog then you are totally sick of hearing about the role of testosterone (T) in training and fitness, but it's the truth. If you are male (or female for that matter) testosterone is good for you. And competition increases testosterone. There are now at least a 1/2 dozen articles showing that competition increases circulating testosterone levels in males.  Most of this research has been conducted by world renowned evolutionary psychology Prof. John Manning and colleagues and shows that winners actually reap the gains of increased T. An example of some of the findings: pair two males in a 100m sprint and at the end of the race the winner will have significantly higher T levels than the loser. Pair two chess players and the same is true. It even occurs during video game play. 

Competition is what male Homo sapiens were designed to do. From a strictly biological sense competition was what our ancestors did to get laid (yes the world revolves around getting laid, sorry it's true). Those males who successfully outcompeted (i.e. hunted better, fought better, mate guarded better) got lucky, which allowed for their genes to be passed onto to subsequent generation - evolution!

It is also a well-known fact in the animal racing world that competition increases general performance. High power race horses and dogs train with loser dogs in the hopes that the winning will somehow get engrained into their essence and assist them becoming the "greatest". Thing sparring - not only does it hone your technique, but it generates a little healthy competition. It's good for us. 

So a little healthy competition is good for us, what to do? Well train with partner. Do wind sprints and race. Play 2 on 2 basketball or join an indoor football team. Or, join a gymnastics (martial arts, fencing, etc) squad and actually compete. It should only make you a better athlete all around.  


gilesdm said...

That’s is so interesting...I always find that some friendly competition (I’m not into all that macho bluster, walking around chest out ‘acting tough’) is a good thing because it makes me train harder, run faster and lift more weight. I always think 'if he can do it, why can't i' and so i try harder and more often than not i'm actually able to do it. That's why I enjoy reading your blog so much, it's a great insight into another persons training, and see what someone else is capable of is inspiring! Ste, I meant to ask you, what is your current training routine like, do you have it written down, so i can take a good look. Im worried that my training routine might be holding me back, so wanted to see yours for comparison.

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

Thanks mate. I really appreciate that anyone is reading it :-)

As for the competition thing, agreed - that macho stuff is for assholes who would rather look pretty than be strong. The friendly competition is quite nice. Another thought that came to mind is that competition activates a brain / behavioral mechanism known as the "social facilitation effect". The way it was originally tested was in chickens. If you feed a normal chicken it will stop eating when it gets satiated. However, put another chicken in an adjacent cage and it will continue to eat. The thought is it is trying to make sure IT gets the food and not the other chicken. The same effect is observed when you place a mirror in the chicken's cage - the chicken actually things there is another chicken in the cage that could eat his food and pigs out! Now think about your training with all those mirrors - you are probably helping yourself by training in front of a mirror because you are activating that subtle brain mechanism that thinks it is in a small competition. Neat stuff eh?

As for the current training routine, I will post in a day or so, but I must confess it changes and morphs often. For example, see my latest post about Training with your Romantic Partner ('The Couple who plays together, stays together'). Aussy and I worked out together. We each added our own fitness flare, if you will - i.e. exercises we love and know the other would have a hard time at - to make sure we get a good workout. It was really good fun.

I will, however, post a detailed account of my regular routine in the coming days. But, Dan, let's be honest, nothing is holding you back mate - your progress has been amazing! I wish you would post your routine so I could train like you!

PS: your blog inspires me - keep posting. Let the revolution ensue... LOL

gilesdm said...

Seriously mate, the revolution is coming soon! Soon, all the crappy machines will be dust covered; all you need is a barbell, loads of weights, a rope, and pull-up bar and a wall and floor! :)