Monday, September 8, 2008

A Sure Core

A strong, stable core is integral to being fit. Today I inadvertently worked my core 'til is was sore! My trainer-friend at Gold's, William, suggested the exercise to me. I was using my suspension rope trainer to do chest press. My hands were in the ropes and I was hanging horizontally with my feet propped up on a box (one that's used for box jumps, see below).
I certainly was not using boxes this high. The one I used was just about 12-16 inches high.
On my 3rd set, William suggested I tap my core "harder" and use a swiss ball under my feet.

So, I was suspended horizontally with my hands in the holes of my rope suspension trainer and
and my feet suspended and balancing on a Swill ball. Then I did 10 pushups. Talk about hard.
Not only are you doing a slightly inverted pushup, but your hands are trying to move in all
directions. Your feet and legs are rolling side to side. So you have to stabilize your core so
that you don't twist off the ball and fall to the ground. Looked something like this ( with my feet on a swiss ball instead of being stood up.

It's a good one. Give it a try if you dare... Ha ha ha!

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