Today at the GLOBO I saw a new friend of mine - Todd is his name. He's been trying CrossFit main site WOD's for a few days now and loving it. And he's killing it! He is super fit and in no time will look like a perfect CF specimen, I am sure. At any rate, in addition to the WODs he's been actively perusing the main site for materials, demos, etc. He mentioned to me today that he saw somewhere on the site where it said something to the effect (paraphrasing here) that people use CrossFit to train for "their" sports (e.g., MMA, football, baseball, hockey, volleyball, gymnastics, etc). He says to me, "THIS, CrossFit is my sport; I want THIS to be my sport!" Fucking awesome! I knew he and I would get along.
This got me thinking about the "sport of fitness". That's what Coach Glassman refers to CrossFit as, the sport of fitness. I totally agree with this contention. Each WOD is a personal journey, sometimes in pleasure, often in pain, and in competition with yourself (either your last time for that WOD or just kicking ass at the current WOD). It's a sport and sometimes you've only got one participating athlete. For Today's WOD (3 rounds of 275# deadlifts, 10 reps + 50 double unders) I could've used a little help from my friend(s). I was killing it, but slipping on some of the double unders reps, which got m frustrated and made me make more mistakes. I needed a teammate, a virtual slap in the ass to say, come on SP, you can do it! No rest for the wicked, dude! KILL IT!
THIS is my sport! I will continue to kill it, as best I can, until I no longer can participate, I will work hard. My benefits are not trophy, medal, money, but personal gratification at surpassing a previously unknown ability and fitness. What more could you ask for from a program in fitness: Fun, personal satisfaction that transcends the gym, and fitness? I love my sport!