Saturday, August 16, 2008

My two new favorite moves...

Thrust and Snatch: OK, this one is a killer. Grab a pair of 10-20 lb dumbbells. Now, standing with the dumbbells at your side drop and do an squat thrust (bend your knees and drop down into the pushup position). Do the full thrust - drop and do the pushup and then jump back up to the standing position, except instead of standing when you come upright jump. So you are jumping with the dumbbells at your side. When you are airborne, snatch the weights above your head and then land on both feet simultaneously. Lower weights and repeat. 

OK, I will try to post a video if I can get Austen to record me on my phone. I did 3 sets of 6 at the end of my workout and it was killer. It gets your heart rate up. It gets your legs pumped. Etc. Try it and let me know what you think. 

L-Seat to twist push up to L-Seat: So Giles can do L-seat to inverted planche and return to the L-seat. I can't do that yet. So I did an L-seat to inverted planche. I then fall to my feet and do a twist pushup (1 per arm) then from the pushup position move back into the L-seat and repeat. Absolutely killer! Use 10-20 lb dumbbells and you should be getting a pretty decent workout. 

Again, vid to come if I can convince Austen to tape me. Try it and let me know what you think.


gilesdm said...

Yo, for the returning to the L-Seat just try and get a little higher off the ground, and you WILL be able to do it. It's actually not very hard if you have the hight to swing your legs back around.

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

That makes total sense.