Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Front Lever Progression

Off and on for the last few weeks I have been incorporating a sort of front lever into my pull/chin-up routine. I would on the last few reps, or the first few, lower or raise myself in as close a front lever as I could get into.

Today, I concentrated on the move as a solo move, without the combo pull/chin-up. I was able to perform 3 sets of 2-5 seconds front lever holds! I am so PSYCHED! It was hard as hell, but damn it felt good to see some progress!

Again pics and / or vids to come, once my phone is fixed...


gilesdm said...

thats amazing!! It's so hard to do, and needs some real all over strengh to pull it off!

Awesome work! Train on brother!

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

thanks . i was quite amazed when I did it, so i just kept doing more sets.