Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Suspending my way to the Iron Cross...?

OK, about a month or two ago, I read an article about olympic training. The journalist actually suggested some exercises to get "olympic fit". Well many of these I was already doing, including the pull-up to dip progression. Today, however, I upped the ante. I combined pull-ups with suspended rope dips. If you have never done rope / ring dips before you would be surprised just how hard it is. The rope dips (using the suspension trainer, which now gains a fair amount of staring, points, even giggles from the other gym users, but not my trainer - he loves the idea) not only demand that you push yourself up and down, but they also force you to stabilize your arms and core. So, for example, letting your body down is pretty easy and steady, but then at the bottom you have to push yourself up. If you do this at the end of an already intense workout, your arms should be pretty tired. If you are like me, then your arms will try to go backward, forward, sideways, outward, and in all combinations of those directions while you push your self to the up position of the dip. Hard! I can push out about 6-12 after a set of 6-12 pull/chin-ups. I follow that with a set of 12-25 prisoner or sumo squats. It's actually quite nice, because I hang the suspension trainer over the gym's pull-up station and then I don't have to do a lot of running around to different parts of the gym. 

At the end of today's workout (probably a mistake) I thought I would take a stab at the beginnings of the cross. So I hung for about 3 seconds, then slowly started to let my arms move outward in a controlled strong fashion. I got about 45 degrees and held it for about 6-8 seconds. Not nearly a cross, but the feeling was so intense that I feared hurting myself if I went further. Rome wasn't built in a day! At any rate, I am getting there and thrilled.

Pics/vids to come - my phone is busted - the battery wont hold a charge for longer than a few hours so they are going to replace it, but I don't have the new one yet. I will ask Aussy to vid me while doing the rope dips. 


homebuyers121 said...

The elliptical machine is sneaky, and it fools us three ways. First, you can get your heart rate up really high and easily. Second, you can get a big sweat on. And third, the machine tells you that you have burned an awful lot of calories. You can get more information about Cross trainer

gilesdm said...

Pics are vids!

How can i do this type of training... get your phone sorted, I NEED to see some vids for inspiration! :)

Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

OK, I think the phone should be sorted today... if not, I will try and use Aussy's phone if it has a camera on it.

In order to do it at EFC, you would need to create a suspension trainer - see the post about how to make one - and then you would have to attach it to the smith machine downstairs, that's all I can think of for EFC. Unless they have installed a pull/chin-up station?