Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One typical workout

I usually start with hard exercises that hit large muscle groups and try to get my heart rate sky high.  So, I typically start with some gymnastics inspired exercises such as handstand pushups and L-seats. I will also include some combo moves that hit either chest (twisting pushup) and core, or back (dyno pullups) and core. The latter can be accomplished by hanging in the pull/chin up position in an L-seat like position. This way, when you pull/chin you are actually holding the L-seat. On a normal day I would do 1 rep with L-seat and alternate with a standard pull/chin dyno move (see post below). For these types of body weight exercises I do as many reps and sets as I can and skip rope for at least 30 seconds (typically a minute or more) between sets. If you are not sweating and panting after this then you are not pushing yourself hard enough. (You could also substitute box jumps, which I was recently introduced to, in place of skipping rope. It should have the same effect). 

After the gymnastics inspired training I move to some more typical weight-lifting exercises to build overall strength and stability. For example, I will deadlift (typically 3-6 sets of heavy weight) and interleave another large muscle group / core muscle group exercise (e.g. wide to narrow grip clap pushup).  On any given day you could replace the deadlift with a number of other great exercises such as bench press. (For the bench press do flat or inclined, personally I have never seen any benefit from the decline bench press and as a personal opinion it seems the people who do decline bench only do it because they cannot push 'real' weight on flat or incline press. This is my opinion and many will disagree.) I also substitute power cleans, clean and jerk, overhead squats, or clean and snatches.

When all that fun is over I typically run or do some sort of interval training. I think my wife and I are going to start doing wind sprints.

At the end of the day, I realize I am never going to appear on the cover of a magazine (e.g., Men's Health) and just try to have fun at the gym. My general M.O. in life is love what you do: I love my work, I love my workouts, etc. When I stop loving my workouts then I will switch workouts, but given my general competitive nature, I probably won't get bored of these gymnastics until I can conquer some of the moves or until I die trying.

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