About 6-8 months ago I stopped using free weights for progressive overload resistance training in place of a program designed around gymnastics, martial arts, and mostly body weight maneuvers. About 8 months later I am leaner than I have ever been in my life, and I have maintained my strength. For shits and giggles, the other day I decided to drop into the weight room - to see, not surprisingly - that nothing has changed much in the average weight area of the gyms. Plopped my ass on the bench and did a few warm-up reps; about 50 reps with just the bar. NO this is not my max out weight HA! So I went for it - "Am I still as strong as I was when I doing weights, even though for the past 8 months I have not touched a weight, except maybe to use it to prop my L-seat or planche?" 225lbs - 4 sets 8-10 reps. Shit, at 34, going quickly onto 35 5 yrs old I am happy. That is as much, actually more than I was able to do when I was weight training.
This little self-experiment, which many of my friends know full and well is my life. Yes, I use myself as a research subject all the time asking rather boring questions like: Will someone you call a friend kick your ass if you decide one drunken night to bend his wife over your knee and lay into her with a good spanking? Apparently, not...phew! This experiment - that lacks all kinds of controls and is completely riddled with confounding variables - asked the question: does my new exercise regimen work? My experiment was not without ridicule and putting myself at risk of laughs, jeers, giggles and flat out questions about the program. Yes, on more than one occasion I got the "what in the hell are you doing dude/mate?" So I explained... whatever. Here's the data m-f-ers - it works. Yeah, easy enough for me to say. But check this whack ass shit out - P90X. Yeah so just about everything I do is apparently listed in this new program. What the F?! I could have made millions? Huh? At any rate, the shite works! Try it!
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