Thursday, September 11, 2008

From Odd look to compliments...

So for the past month or so I have overcome my embarrassment and have been using my suspension rope trainer constantly; in fact, just about every workout I use it in some way. 

When I started, many the gym-goer shot me an odd look - reading their minds might reveal a "what in the fuck is he doing with that rope?" However, recently, within the past week or so, I have actually received a few interested inquiries and compliments. The first came from an older lady who asked quite frankly, what in the world are you doing? I explained the rationale and she said, well it looks really hard, and its obviously working (she flirtatiously followed this with a cute little squeeze of my bicep, that whore! ;-)  The second compliment came when I heard a Personal training client ask my trainer what I was doing? The trainer, William, indicated that he had introduced me to the TRX and that I had made my own with some rope from Home Depot. The client commented, "Looks insanely hard!" He is right - it is INSANELY hard, but feeling good.  The third and last and perhaps the greatest compliment I have received came from a rather large, body building looking middle aged guy at the gym. I was returning the dumbbells I use to practice my planche to the rack. He was doing some kind of overhead triceps extension, or something, I was really tired and not paying attention, except that I noticed him hurry up to complete his set to talk to me. He turned and said to me "Hey man, so are you a gymnast or something?" God damn! He actually asked me if I was a gymnast. For me, at this time, beastskill training, there is really no higher compliment! I of course said, "Yes, didnt you see me in beijing? Not! I said no, and went into what has now become a sales pitch for the rope trainer. He actually asked if he could jump in and try suspended dips and L-sits next time we are in the gym at the same time. 

Its a really nice feeling to know that people are noticing your workout for the difficulty that it represents and not just judging you because you are doing something unconventional. 

Now, I am not so embarrassed to use my rope trainer. Its a good feeling. 

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