Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bear Attack Defense (BAD)

Another new workout I tried today. This is a direct modification of a few CF WOD's that I adapted for my wife and I. She did what I call the "Grizzly" Bear Attack Defense, while I think mine was simply a "Koala" Bear Attack Defense; she's quite amazing though.

At any rate you should be pretty sweaty and tired after this bad boy.

Bear Attack Defense (BAD): (prerequisite: you must listen to Michael Jackson's "I'm bad" at least once while doing this workout ;-)

Do the following sequence of exercises 7 times:

  • Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press 
Then Spring for 1/10th a mile (should take you about 30-40 second of flat out running as fast as you can)

Repeat the exercise sequence and run 5 times. So that's like this: Step 1: sequence-run; sequence-run; sequence-run; sequence-run; sequence-run. Step 2: rest 2 minutes. Repeat Step 1. Done. For time. That means you should do this entire sequence as quickly as you can and note the time. Noting the time allows you to try and do it faster/quicker next time this one pops into you exercise regimen. 

For the Clean/Squat/Press weight I used 95 pounds, which sounds like pansy ass weight and probably is, but I was tired & grunting (yes, I said grunting Eeck!) at round 7/8. Now my shoulders feel like they are going to cramp up, in a good way. This took me about 39 minutes, I think. My watch bugged out on me and I was helping my wife with form; actually we were helping each other out and then had to walk to a treadmill in Gold's Gym and each time the treadmill had it's panties in a bunch and would not get going... adding valuable time to our final metric... at any rate... that's the BAD. I past below a few pics of the exercises for edification purposes. 

Power Clean

Front Squat

Push Press

Back Squat
(here after the push press lower the weight behind your head to get into the back squat position)

I said above that my wife, Austen did a "Grizzly" version of this because she added extra squats. So for every rep she added about 3-5 more squats. She claims it is because her legs are stronger than her arms, but I think she is just a Grizzly eating kind of gal. I did as prescribed above with 95 pounds on the bar and as quick as I could. 

Pic refs: 

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