Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dirty Thirty

So, I'e revamped my workout regimen to be more full body, CF-like. This was my first attempt to design a workout for my wife and I. I call it the Dirty Thirty after the adage of drinking 30 cans of shite beer, that often results in vomiting, not that I am hoping that his workout would make anyone vomit ;-). 

Alright so to it then: 

The Dirty Thirty - For time; that means do this as quickly as you can so that you can compare your time next time you do it. You should get faster each time!

30 - double unders (this is jumping rope where the rope goes under your feet 2 times for each jump
30 - forward walking lunges (that's 15 steps/leg) with a 30 pound dumbbell in each hand
30 - box jumps (24 inches is ideal, but use what you can or as high as you can!)
30 - situps
30 - back extensions
30 - burpee to pullups (this is a burpee and when you jump you catch a high bar and do a pull up; each rep your chest has to hit the floor on the burpee and your chin had to clear the bar for the pull, would be better if you could touch the bar with your chest!)
30 - back extensions
30 - situps
30 - box jumps
30 - backward walking lunges with a 30 lb dumbbell in each hand
30 - double unders

1 vomit... Just teasing. 

My first time out my wife and I were doing this together so we were working out some of the kinks and helping each other, but I completed this in just about 6 minutes. Next time I will shoot for 5 or lower. I think I could have done 5 had I not forgotten the routine and had to keep referring to my cheat sheet. 

Suggestions for making this easier: 

  1. use a lighter weight for the walking lunges
  2. don't do backward lunges at the end; they demand a bit more core stability and can cause overcompensation on the knees if you've never done them before
  3. break up each 30 into smaller sets of 10 with a short rest in between
  4. lower the height of the box jump or just jump in place
  5. don't do double unders, just jump rope. if you do this, I'd recommend doing 60 jumps
  6. don't do burpee to pullups, but rather do 30 burpees and then 30 pullups (& you could use pullup assist)
Suggestions for making this harder: 

  1. increase weights on lunges
  2. try doing 30 steps / leg on the lunges
  3. add weight to the situps and / or back extensions
  4. add weight to the pullups, or add weight to anything else

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