Wednesday, August 27, 2008

V-seat training

I can now hold the L-seat for a decent period of time (i.e. several seconds) from the ground or while doing pull/chin-ups. I have been trying to help my wife get the L-seat. It is fun watching her train up to it because it reminds me of the steps I had to take to get it myself. It's a long and hard journey, actually... but she has just about got it!

Anyhow, I have decided to progress a bit in the seated positions. In addition to my normal practice, which has been halted by my back injury. At any rate, I hope to train toward the V-seat and ultimately the manna (see images).

Also here's another cool link about training. 


gilesdm said...

How is your back getting along?


Prof. Steven M. Platek said...

i tried a bit of wall hand stands today and it cramped up - it sucks because I am basically not making progress because of it.
i dont want to go to the doctor, but I might have to
thanks for asking