Thursday, September 4, 2008

You thought the floor L-seat was hard?

The floor L-seat is a hard move that many people struggle with. 
When I started this whole new training regime, I struggled with it. Thank goodness for some great yoga instruction because I think it helped the move come a little easier to me. At any rate, I can now hold a fairly nice floor L-seat (10 seconds or so) with movement to angled planche, crane, etc and back. It's by no means, I reiterate NO MEANS, perfect, but I am there and have started training my hip flexor strength for floor V-seat and eventually Manna. 

Now with my suspension trainer I am trying to execute the elevated/rope/ring L-seat (rope in my case, because I have not purchased rings). 

So what I do is suspend my rope handles at about a dipping height (so I don't fall to far ;-). I grab the ropes and hang for about 2-5 seconds, with my feet off the ground and directly below my abdomen, making sure that I am breathing the whole time and fairly stable. Then I raise my legs out into the L-seat. I should clarify: I try to raise my legs out to the L-seat position. Actually, I did get it the other day for about 2 seconds (again at the end of my workout so I was really tired). As with other posts about suspension training the ropes add a totally new dimension to the workout and move. So now, rather than simply (I say "simply" HA!), elevate yourself off the floor or onto a set of hand rods or dumbbells - all of which are pretty much stationery, you are forced to stabilize other muscle groups. Your arms are no longer anchored to the floor (or bar) in one plane of movement. They want to move in every direction/plane necessary to bring your body back to the floor; that's pretty much how gravity works! ;-)  So one's task is to, in addition to hold a nice looking, toe pointing L-seat, stabilize your arms, keep from twisting around like a fish dangling from a hook out of water, and continue to hold the move and breathe. Not so easy. Another challenge for me. Eventually I hope to take this in the same direction as my floor. That is, elevated L-seat to elevated planche and back. I will also try moving through the front lever to L-seat, or some sequence like that.  I will probably be 90 years old before I could make any moves like those.  

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